Principal Investigator
Siobhan Brady
Siobhan Brady maps the gene networks that regulate the development of plant roots. Comparing these networks in different cell types across different species, including important crops such as tomato and sorghum, reveals how some plants adapt to frequent droughts and other harsh environmental conditions.
The Scientists

Mapping plant gene regulatory networks.

Molecular mechanisms controlling endodermis and exodermis differentiation in tomato roots.
Unlocking Genetic Networks for Improved Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Agronomic Traits in Tomatoes through Systems Biology and Gene Editing

Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying leaf cellular development and their developmental trajectories critical to dehydration/hydration cycles in S. caninervis.

Characterization of tomato root exodermis

Characterization of molecular mechanism in Broomrapes infection.

Characterization between Sorghum and microorganisms interactions.

Characterization of Sorghum germplasm for Striga resistance and root development